Saturday 3 October 2009

Second Base

A little while ago I explained how I’d bought the EA Sports Active game for the Wii. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, after nearly killing myself that first day I kinda shied away from it simply because it took a week for me to recover because I’m in that bad shape. Well I decided to attempt it again. Not the EA Sports thing, but the fitness thing.

My new attempt at sorting out my health came as a result of something that happened that scared me a little. It’s most disconcerting to be doing nothing more than sitting on a couch watching TV and to suddenly, for no apparent reason, getting palpitations and dizziness. Of course, it’s obvious that this is more likely my blood pressure taking a sudden nose dive rather than anything else but it did freak me out some.

I think at that moment it was proved that my blood pressure has been way too high. Whether that’s because of work (knowing what my working environment is like) or whatever, I’m not sure but it was certainly something I needed to address and was not going to be helped at all by my physical fitness.

So that made that decision for me. I ordered Wii Fit and the board and I’ve actually been better at keeping that up than I was at the EA Sports …. and it actually seems to be working …. at least as far as my daily stress level is concerned anyway. It certainly seems to have dropped since I started doing it. Granted I’ve only been at it a few days and the actual physical changes won’t be noticeable for a while but I’m definitely sleeping better and finding it easier to get up in the morning because I’m working my stress out. I think that’s part of where the EA Sports fell down. Firstly it was more high impact and secondly, I was stressing that I couldn’t, and wouldn’t be, able to keep up with it.

Time will tell whether it will be short-lived though, or whether I continue to work at it. I have to admit, even though it’s quite an easy workout, it’s a fun 30 minutes. It doesn’t really feel like a work out. I’m actually glad I bought it …. and afterwards I treat myself to some “You Give Love A Bad Name” on GH5 – I’m a fricking Rock God …. albeit on the easy level …. ;)


  1. I'm addicted to GH(my brother has #3 on the xbox...sadly no Jovi though :( As for the wii fit,good for you!!!I need to start working out come tomorrow cause I'm dangerously on the way of gaining all the kg's I lost over the summer...not cool!

  2. Hee Hee!! I've managed a week and a half now. Missed a couple of days but ramped it up to 45mins yesterday. ;)
