Sunday 8 November 2009

Wonders of Wii-ing

It’s been a month or so since I embarked on Wii fitness. Admittedly I’m probably not being as dedicated to it as I could be but let’s be honest, after putting in 8 hours in the most mind numbingly stressful job I’ve ever had the misfortune to hold, who can blame me?!? But I’m still sticking with it ….

I’ll admit I’m impatient and not getting results as fast as I want – I was kinda hoping I’d drop about 4 dress sizes and several stone in 2 months - a girl can dream right?? ;) – but that’s not to say I’m not getting any results. I now don’t get out of breath as quickly as I used to, I’ve not had any funny turns and the blouse I’m forced to wear at my job feels a little looser. I’ve also noticed that the new underwear I bought a couple of months ago is also looser round the back. Y’know what I mean. They say you’re supposed to gradually work your way down the hooks but I’ve jumped 2 pairs with [a little] room to spare. Not that I’m ready to buy a smaller back size. That would mean at least two extra cup sizes – I’m not sure you can even BUY scaffolding that size?!?!?!?

The week before last, when I was on leave I cranked it up to an hour – a direct result of watching Diet Doctors on the Tuesday and listening to the horrors of what I could be doing to myself. I need to discipline myself to do an hour every night whether I want to or not. I haven’t looked much at my diet. I did a rough calculation on a website for my calorie intake (I hate how it sounds like I’m counting calories) and I don’t eat nearly enough of them from their calculations it seems. That’s probably why I’m struggling a little; not taking in enough energy. The job stress probably isn’t helping either. Weight retention as a result of stress is a pretty good bet. I probably need more sleep too, but when a lot of your friends live elsewhere in the world it’s difficult to keep in touch with them, work a full time job and get sufficient sleep. I'm also wondering if it may be a plan to try the Slim Fast thing - not as n "instead of 2 meals a day" thing, but rather to make sure I have SOMETHING to eat first thing. I'm one of these strange people who, a) doesn't generally leave enough time in the morning for breakfast, and b) can't really stomach the idea of breakfast before 10 am. I need to research that idea more though ....

I’ve tended to stick with the Aerobic exercises, specifically the Free Step almost exclusively on the Wii Fit. It means I can watch TV (or listen to some music) while I do my exercise which is better than trying to get excited over a routine that doesn’t change (and apparently doesn’t always register my steps which means it LIES!!! Lol!!). Two half hour routines on that, one immediately after the other, seems to feel more positive than lots of two minute games which lends itself to lots of cooling down in between. Get’s the sweat and heart rate up and keeps it there, leaving a quick enough break to rehydrate. Ooh, get me sounding like I know what I’m talking about. Lol!!!

I also invested in the new Wii Fit Plus software to help break the monotony. I know that sounds bad but it was really just for a bit of variety on the exercises I seem drawn to on there. The most fun exercises in the original are the Aerobic and Balance games but once you’ve got the hang of them and filled up the top 10 scores they’re a bit same old and hard to improve on. It doesn’t really help to encourage you to keep trying them out. ;)

I’ve been told it takes 3 months to see results. I’ve decided I have until March. I want to have had my turning point by my 30th birthday. I will probably be disappointed, but as long as I have a goal to work towards I’m likely to be more focussed on achieving it.

So that’s where I am now. Should be fun …. :s

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