Wednesday 18 June 2008


Think it's update time again. It's probably going to be all obver the place but meh.

So what's been going on since my last blog ……. Not much really. My last contract ended on 6 June. I actually interviewed for the job to be permanent but I didn't get it …… obviously!!! Lol!! I got a lot of positive feedback from my manager, who gave me some advice and a confidence boost -- she's also given me a copy of the questions and my answers so I'm more prepared for my next interview -- the perks of having a parent on a personal level with the boss. ;) But for the moment I'm unemployed again, which means all the interviewing and bi-weekly trips to the job centre. She was actually really upset she couldn't give me the job. It wasn't anything major really, the person I was up against had more experience …… and apparently I need to formulate a five year plan even if I'm lying. Apparently saying you "like to go with the flow and see what happens" isn't good enough. Neither is "become a lady of leisure" – I didn't actually say that one – she beat me to that one -- but it would be nice. ;). Boohissboo.

I've been using my time 'constructively' obviously. As well as job hunting – of which there are few around, actually I've only found one job that I fancy or could possibly do and I've emailed them for an application form …… not that it's turned up yet!!! – I've been contemplating again. After my interview I got a lot of good advice from the interviewer, so I'm thinking again. I've also been spending way too much time on the 'net, and taking photos. I got some blinders on Monday night after my class. They're posted up on my 'Bucket under "The Humber Bridge and the River". There are also new photos of the birds at Blacktoft Sands, Boycie and Jasmine (whose shots are under "Pets" and "Boycie" and "Pets" and "Jasmine" respectively ;)), there's some more 'Scapes, the church at Barrow (which is appropriately under "Barrow"), the garden area outside the New Theatre in Hull (under "Hull"), and some Wildlife and Plantlife. Go have a look!!! Enjoy!!! I'm especially proud of the Humber Bridge ones. :D There will, no doubt, be some Jovi in the next week or so but I'll chuck out a bulletin when those come out. Kerry can blog it. ;)

I've been reading The DaVinci Code for the past couple of weeks. I had a good run at it every night before bed. Unfortunately Sunday night I got so into it, before I knew it, it was 2am!!! Lol!! Finally finished it this morning -- took me long enough, I've tried to get into it about 3 times previously -- and it's a very good book. It's a fantastic mystery and it's really 'twisty'. It jumps around a bit but that's because there's about 3 or 4 different viewpoints for the story ..... but it is excellent. I think I'm going to start Angel and Demons next. Should really have read that one first it seems but since when have I done things the way they should be done!! ;)

I'm starting to get wound up for Bon Jovi. I've been relatively calm until now, but come Saturday I shall be bouncing off the walls and Kerry will be hiding under the bed in a hotel room in Manchester wondering what the hell she got herself into. I did spring for the Coventry ticket too so I'm going back on the Tuesday. I believe my eventual reasoning, having been umm-ing and aaah-ing about it for, erm, a morning, was ........ "well fuck it why not" so I'm going again ...... yay!!! Next stop?? A Nickelback ticket ...... or another Jovi one. ;) As it stands at the moment, I think I'm on merch duty seeing as I have a seat rather than a square of turf so being punctual won't be as much of an issue. :) I got Block 18, Row C which is Richie's side of the stage. In fact it looks like it will be the first block of seats which will hopefully mean an excellent view of the action. :) I've also booked a hotel room in Coventry I can probably ill afford in all honesty but it is Bon Jovi so it's special. We don't see them in this part of the world very often so it's important to make it special. ;)

Courses – well I had to chuck in my AAT. I couldn't find an employer who could give me the afternoon release for the classes and it was a bit out of sight out of mind and I wasn't getting the support or information from the Tutor. I wasn't even finding out from him when the exams were and was getting further behind in class (the last exam was a stark indicator of that when it was all Greek – no offence 'Rini -- to me and I'm sure I failed it magnificently!!!) so, regardless of the fact I was wondering if Accounts was what I wanted to do, I decided to throw it in. I was getting up tight and doing myself no favours. Of course it means I wasted £100 in registration and such that I could have used on more interesting things. Sage is still going – kind of. I haven't had the inclination to attend much lately as I'm bored stupid with it. The teacher is shit and doing nothing but past exam papers is driving me nuts, but I'm still sticking at it …… kind of. I failed the manual unit but I'll be damned if I can find out how or why – everything balanced and I spent 20 minutes finding 10p to MAKE it balance, but I still failed. As I said the teacher is shit. When I first found out I failed (about 4 weeks ago) I asked if she could find out how I failed because she even admitted she was surprised that myself and 2 others failed the manual when people she expected to fail because they struggled so much passed (and breathe). Last week she sent me a pissy email asking what my intentions with regard to the class were and sprung the fact that the resit would be tomorrow (19 June) and they would charge me £19.10 for the privilege (although that last bit I only found out on Monday), and I asked her if she had found out how I failed it. She said she couldn't and that OCR (the examining body) wouldn't give her that information, although I was more suspicious that she just didn't so I emailed OCR myself to see if I could find something out. Got the email back from them this morning saying the centre has to fill a form in to find out so I'm guessing "didn't" is probably more like it. Like I said – useless.

I went to the Job Centre last week to get my shit sorted out for my claim. Should I be worried that they now know me on sight 'cos I've been back the so often in fits and starts ...... on the plus-side at least they know I DO want to work so they go a bit easy on me. ;) I also think they kind of like me going because I'm an easy one to sort out.

Had a letter from the DWP this morning saying my latest claim has been authorized (how kind!!!) and saying that I won't get JSA after 24 October because my contributions will have run out. Not entirely clear as to whether that means during this period of unemployment or for good. Not entirely fair as it's not my fault I became redundant or that the only jobs I've been able to find/get have been temporary, and until my redundancy I was working constantly – I was at the same pissing company – the place that shall not be named. ;) Seems 5 years of contributions don't get you very far and I really don't want to dig into my savings -- that's a deposit for a house if and when I decide to hop on the property ladder.

I know its 20 weeks away and I don't expect to still be unemployed then, but it's got me freaking out a bit. Tried to do some research this morning but there's no information. It's the government they talk round in circles and don't tell you anything new. I'm due at the Job Centre on Friday so I may ask then. I get the feeling it may be something to do with not having my P45's when I go in ...... I have to notify the Job Centre I'm out of work as soon as possible so I don't lose out, and I've always had to wait on the employers for the documentation and government departments are renowned for not sharing information so I guess to all intents and purposes it looks like I haven't been working when I have!! Suppose I ought to phone the Inland Revenue and see if they've had my P45's that went missing back in December or whether they've finally turned up. Suppose at some point I'll need to get a form from them anyway to fill in the gaps because Charterhouse was crap. Meantime I'm going to sign up with a few more agencies (oh Joy!!!) and see what turns up.

Rant over. I expect to be rescued on Sunday so this'll all be by the by on Monday. ;) :P Lol!!

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