Why does it seem to be the aim of some people to make life difficult for others? Today was the day I went to enrol at the local college to do my AAT and henceforth be known, according to some anyway, as a scruffy student type!!! ;)
So all is going well. I'd stopped in at the solicitor on the way to complete the paperwork for Spencer so I can get some money out of them – it'll tide me over for a bit at least – and then went onto the college to, erm, enlist in the AAT – well it sounds like you're enlisting you have to admit – it sounds a bit like a branch of the TA!!! All was going well. I'd spoken to the lecturer the day before so he was half expecting me, and I think he was kind of glad as I was an easy one because I'd phoned him up for the info before rather than waiting until I got there, so he had at least one enrolment when all he needed to do was fill in a form instead of spending nigh on an hour trying to explain about the course to prospective students!! Lol!! He did his thing with my form and asked me to fill in the rest – y'know, the usual stuff. Qualifications, personal details and that – and go see the customer services people who, as I was hoping to get a nil fee due to my current scrounging status, wouldn't be taking any money off me. This is where it came unstuck.
I'd bought everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I had pertaining to my unemployed status, including my little green stamped-with-my-Job-Centre-Plus'-address book to try, it turns out in vain, to convince them that I was getting JSA. You would have thought this would have been enough, but I was told that I needed an actual letter with my job centre's address on to prove that I was on benefit …… bear in mind, my little green book is an official DWP document which says when I am supposed to go into the office and sign on, and where the office is. So now I have to phone the benefit office in Hull tomorrow to get a letter saying I'm entitled and hope I can get it in to them at the college before the course starts on Monday as all this means I'm not properly enrolled yet. So I now have to waste another afternoon and petrol I can ill afford to sort this out. All of this because the Job Centre had to send a form out to Spencer for pay details because I was still waiting to receive my payslip when I first went in. I have a manual claim, which apparently means that the usual letters aren't sent out?!?!?
The thing that annoys me is that my little green book was enough for the adult education bods, but not for the college. I don't think she even looked at the bastard thing!!!! It's all right there!! I also got the distinct impression that their demeanour changed as soon as I said I'm on JSA …… nice!!!
By the way, I will say a big thank you to those who are currently working and paying for me to go to college!! ;)

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