Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Further Adventures In Job Hunting: From The Sublime To The Ridiculous

Today was my day to sign on again. I went in thinking everything was hunky dory and that I'd be in and out there in a flash. Unfortunately, as we've all gathered by now, nothing is that simple where the DWP is involved. You all know that I decided to start doing my AAT. My reasons were three-fold: 1) It will improve my chances of gaining employment, 2) it's something I've been considering for sometime, and 3) it would stop me going stir crazy by sitting at home all day in front of various mind-numbing talk shows. We'll gloss over the fact that the college is also kicking off about my proof of JSA, but suffice it to say they've now decided the letter I gave them proves nothing bar a single payment. Luckily I got another letter confirming receipt of JSA so I've got to do that on Monday as well!! Anywho ......

Now, a fortnight ago when I signed on I mentioned to the lady I was speaking to that I had started doing this course and she gave me a form to complete, which I duly completed as far as it instructed me to. I dug out my learning agreement and took both in today because Lord knows I don't know what happens next – now I wish I hadn't said ANYTHING. This is the kicker. I ended up speaking to another woman today who had a quick look through the form and told me there was another bit I needed to fill in. Fair enough, I didn't think anything of it until I got to one particular question, and I quote: "Question 17 – Are you willing and able to take up employment immediately if it is offered? Yes or No. If No Please state how quickly you can give up the course to take up employment."

Now, I realise now that I didn't necessarily read this question properly the first time, so asked her if I had to give up the course if I was offered employment, but rather than talk me through the bastard thing as you'd expect her to be meant to, after asking me how long the course was, (and I'm guessing, without reading the answers I had put in already and mentioning that I'd missed one out!!) and me explaining to her that it was a course I need to do to get employed, she just said "Yes. JSA won't pay for someone just to do a course. Now it'd be different if it were for four or five weeks, we may be able to come to some arrangement, but because it's a year ……" Now is it just me or are these people paid to actually help people out?? I explained to her it was part-time one afternoon a week but she wasn't budging from her DWP rhetoric – sticking to the script and then just making me an appointment to talk to an adviser. I think because I said it was a year long course that she assumed it was full time, but it isn't and that is stated on the form.

The system is run like a conveyor belt, one in for ten minutes then gone. So I came out of there pissed off beyond all measure – I could have understood it if it had been a pottery course, or watercolour painting, or flower arranging. It strikes me as funny that they will willingly pay for someone to do fuck-all all day, every day, forever and a day, but the minute someone says they're trying to do something that will help them to find work that they'd be happy doing instead of taking ANYTHING to placate the Job Centre, and then winding up back on the dole a few weeks later because they're not suited for what they've taken on, that it's a completely different attitude.

Try to help yourself and you're buggered. Do nothing to help yourself, claim all kinds of benefits which you duly spend on fags or down the bookies, and they keep handing the money over it seems.

I was right before. The system is …… Shit!!!

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