Monday, 2 April 2007

Random Witterings

I think Myspace did something to me. I never used to be a big sharer, not even with those who know me best. There are even some things which I have never told Mum. But then I found Myspace, and found myself with a group of friends (well in all honesty most of them came before Myspace!!) who I find myself sharing my deepest darkest secrets with. And you know what?? It doesn't bother me because unlike friends in the past who have feigned interest and then tried with a bit of the ol' one-upmanship (something which I'm pretty sure I've been guilty of myself on occasion!!!) I now have a group of friends who actually take an interest in what's going on with me. It was like I said at Xmas, and I'm quoting now (slightly paraphrased to fit) because I think it sums it up beautifully, friends who listen and don't judge, who support me without having to say a word, bring me up when I'm down and just indulge in complete silliness with. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm going soft in my old age, but I have now hooked up with a group of people with whom I actually share an interest and with whom I've been closer than any other 'friends' I've made in the past. My Dad used to call the friends I had at school fair-weather friends, friends who only seemingly came around when they wanted something and now I'm older I've come to realise he may actually have had a point, my GOD – he may even have been right!!! Who'd've thunk it – a parent who was ACTUALLY right!!! *thud* I haven't spoken to most of them since school and the few I went to college with I lost touch with soon after. I didn't really bond with many people at uni and actually only keep up with one of them (which reminds me, I haven't spoken to him since Xmas so I'd better email him and see how he is!!!)

You're probably wondering, then, why I've written this blog. Well mainly it's to say a massive thank you to everyone who gave a reply to my last 2, hugely depressing blogs. It means a lot to me that you took the time to read what I'd written and think about it and then take the time to leave a response or send me a message. Your support was much appreciated and it certainly bought me out of that funk that I found myself in for a few days. I could have just sent a message or posted a bulletin, but I wanted to post this here – IN PUBLIC!!! -- so I can show off to the rest of Myspace what fantastic mates I have!! ;)

So (in no particular order!!!!) Mel, Karen, Kegs, Nicky, Kerry, Mands – Thank You. Kudos to you, my friends!!

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