This is a blog I wrote ages ago, that I meant to post, well, ages ago. On the plus-side, the catalyst for this blog has since seen the light and has now deserted said board, but as this is an ongoing situation on the IMDb, and having wandered into many 'debates' bordering on the ridiculous, I figured I'd post it anyway!! It might be a larf ......
Hey. At least it's not about work this time!! ;) Lol!!
Now, I regularly frequent the discussion boards over on the IMDb – well I say discussion boards, but it generally seems as though they are more unequivocal praise boards nowadays than anything else.
Gone are the days where you could get the vitriol out of your system without fear of becoming the target of insults. I have recently spent time on one particular board where the overriding argument has been something in the following vein:
"He's a nice person -- I've never met him but he's definitely a nice person and anyone who says he isn't is just LYING and doesn't like him!!! I don't care if they've met him and might know a thing or 2, they're just wrong and it must be their fault. Not because he can be an arrogant twat at times!! He's PERFECT!!" or "It's shit, it's shit, it's shit, it's shit, it's shit, and anyone who watches it is either a Chav or as thick as pig shit!!!
Now, I'm not saying that I have never posted anything on there that praises someone for their work, or similarly that makes my negative views towards something or someone known, but I like to think that I do at least put some thought into my arguments, that I give reasons for my viewpoint and not just jump on the fandom bandwagon that celebrates the 'perfection' of something, or similarly that puts something down for the sake of it.
It seems to me that the IMDb has descended into some kind of entity where balanced viewpoints or rational discussion has been replaced by "I am right, everyone else is wrong and I'm not going to provide any sensible reasoning for that viewpoint so nur!!!" Though that could just be the boards I frequent.
Don't get me wrong – there are certain individuals that I have had sensible discussions with and that I have the utmost respect for, but I'm afraid the 'silly' element far outnumbers them. Any normal person would stop going over there but I'm afraid the nonsensical arguments on there are like a red rag to a bull for me. Even more so when I see the numerous sweeping generalizations that are posted willy-nilly. There may be truth to some of these generalizations but when I am lumped in with Chavs, as someone who has never knowingly been NEAR a council estate (not that there's owt wrong with that!!), I'm certainly not violent – I don't spend my Saturdays down the shopping centre, to quote a very funny man, "Happy slapping every fucker in the face!!!", there is not a hint of Burberry in my wardrobe, I don't walk around wearing enough cheap gold jewelry to put Mr. T to shame, and I have never owned a Pit Bull, THAT is when I get pissed off and feel the need to bite.
But of course, I'll head over there again sometime in the near future, play Mother and try to get some sense out of the myriad of immature, badly spelt, badly phrased, txt spk and self-contradictory comments, only to realise that I am indeed bashing my head against a brick wall and I really shouldn't bother, but will anyway because maybe, just maybe I'll make enough of an impression on someone for them to try and make a better argument, stranger things have happened!!! It's worked before!!! ;)
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