Sunday, 1 June 2008

Dirty Girl!!!

I realised something while I was getting changed today – I need to clean. I don't WANT to clean but it's becoming more apparent I need to. What triggered this realisation?? The lack of floor space in my room.

I suppose, as most girls in their late 20's, I have acquired an awful lot of stuff and being that all my stuff and me live in one room at home, it looks, and is, very cluttered. My whole life is in one small space and there's a lot of stuff in my life!! Lol!! There are many shoes, DVD's, CD's, books, hats, handbags, shining things, clothes that don't have a home, trinkets, photos, general 'girl' stuff, my PC, stereo, DVD player, Sky box …… monkeys. Usually my suitcase lives in there too but that hasn't gone back in since Peterborough because it's due to be used again in a couple of weeks for a gig by some band. ;). You name it and it's probably somewhere in that room. And that doesn't even include the stuff that has yet to make it back in from when we redecorated it about 3 years ago!!

A while back my Mum threw out the idea of moving into 'the cat's wing' i.e. where guests stay. It's an idea …… it'd mean 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a sitting room …… in essence my own place less a kitchen. Seems there was an up-side to how the guy built the house. I'd have my own self contained 'flat' in essence, and I could come and go as I please more without disturbing my Mum.

To be honest, there's probably a hell of a lot of crap in there I don't need and stuff that could go in the attic but just looking at the mess in there just puts me right off. I do try to make a dent on occasion, but it never seems enough because as soon as I make that dent I find something to fill it with!! Lol!!

I suppose I really only have one option, 1) tidy up and don't buy as much (which I am doing as I can hold my head up and say I haven't bought new shoes in months – my cash seems to be going on CD's these days) or before too long I will be actually climbing over piles of crap trying not to break my neck. My god!! I think I'm very nearly becoming domesticated?!?!? I was looking at recipes the other day too!! Lol!!

In the meantime, I foresee that well travelled route that every shit tip has that you keep clear to follow so you don't get lost in the wilds of your stuff …… ;)

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