Tuesday, 14 August 2007

The System Is …… Shit

So the story goes like this ……

I phoned the DWP today in the hopes of getting some job seekers since I'm not working …… fair enough, I've paid my stamps, surely I'm entitled right?? Apparently there're conditions attached and again the conscientious people lose out. This is going to divide opinion – I know this, but it's just really shit!!!

For years my parents put money away for me for a rainy day, and now I have a selection of National Savings Bonds. They also encouraged me to save money, and I try to put something away every month – scrub that …… I DO put something away every month. It may only be £25 without fail, but I still do it. The idea was I'd have a deposit for a house or something equally as useful.

Unfortunately this sound financial planning may be coming back to bite me on the arse, as it would appear that over the years I have accrued, both directly and indirectly, too much in my savings. It's not official yet, but I know once I start adding up they probably will. Since when is it fair to force someone to dip into their savings in order to survive when they've been paying their NIC's since the day they started working?? What else do I get out of them?? What do they pay for?? My pension is going to be virtually non-existent by the time I reach retirement age (IF I reach it considering they keep threatening to put the fecker up!!!), in which case I'll NEED my savings, I rarely go to the Doctors, I've never called an ambulance, and my Dentist is private so I don't use the NHS ……

It just niggles me that even though with one hand they're trying to get people to save by upping interest rates, they're forcing people to use their savings in order to survive through circumstances beyond their control. If I'd walked out all well and good – it would be my own fault and I'd have to deal (and if I'd known I'd get fuck-all anyway, I might as well have done that anyway and prevented all the stress and heartache!!!), but judging by the fact I had no choice in the matter and no warning that I was about to be made redundant, how is it fair that I lose out?? Maybe I'm being selfish, but it just seems to be another way to get beat down. I know there are people who need it more desperately, but by the same token there are people who take the piss and don't DESERVE it. If I could have got out of it I'd have quit paying them and put the £113 or so they deducted off me every month in my bank account!!! I'd have been at least £5000 better off!!!! They will, however, keep up my NIC's for me while I'm not paying them if I'd like -- more money for them to NOT let me use later!!! Generous!!

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