Friday, 9 February 2007

An Open Letter ....

Probably a bad idea, but after the experience I've had today, I really couldn't give a flying fuck!!!


Dear Sirs,

It is with regret that I tender my resignation. It has been a difficult decision; however I feel that I have progressed as far as I can within the company at this time and that my best recourse would be to move onto new pastures.
Actually, to be honest it's a crap place to work. If things weren't made so complicated and people weren't shoved from pillar to post – their job responsibilities constantly shifted and, instead of the touchy-feely "what do you want from us" crap, people were offered a few viable options instead of the closed door nobody-knowing-anything-about-anything-else shit, things might have been different, but unfortunately the place is farcical. Don't get me wrong, I've met some great people, but I really don't think you're for me.

Also, has it ever occurred to anyone that the whole, checking up and second guessing people behind their back in front of them, which, might I add, does absolutely nothing for a persons confidence in their abilities and as a result affects their work further, may not be the best way to run a business. And if, instead of vague references to 'errors' actually pinpointing what the errors are and therefore giving someone the opportunity to improve, and actually considering why something has gone wrong, in the first place, the whole place might run a bit smoother.

And here's another thought. How about instead of being obstructive, maybe giving people the information and assistance they require instead of fobbing people off with "Leave it with me" or "we are considering it" – the latter lasting months!!! I mean, for fucks sake, if the overwhelming majority think a new form would be an easier option for everyone involved what is the problem. Who gives a toss if the current form was the MD's baby, if it doesn't work and there's a better way of doing shit where's the harm?!?!? Fuck it. I've got people filling in the old form in the new format and to be honest I don't care what you think because as far as I'm, no WE'RE concerned if it makes mine, my lads and the site staffs lives easier, We're gonna go for it because at the end of the day, you lot watching from your ivory tower are so far removed from those you employ that you have no fucking CLUE how to make things simple. Difficulty for difficulties sake I think!!

Oooh. And where does this whole "everything that goes wrong is a disaster" (that said, judging by the way a few people have the ears of the people that supposedly run the joint it probably would be!!!) thing come from. Since when could anything that went wrong not be fixed – or is that something which depends on who you are, whose arse you're kissing up to or how deeply you can bury it so it can't be found out.

And what's with offering training on something to a person who is pretty much the only person who knows how to do that something?? I don't get that. What EXACTLY do you expect to be able to teach me about the thing that I'm supposedly so bad at but which YOU are constantly asking me about??? Am I just being thick?? Or is it a case of making me look bad so that when you decide to get rid of me you can make it seem that it was all my doing and that you-did-all-you-could-to-encourage-me shit would cover your arses???

And this is another thing that grates on my arse. Since when was it good employment practice to make someone look like an arse in front of their co-workers?? Making them both look and feel thick. It's a fucking pisstake and you know it!! And what's more it fucks up the confidence thing again!! Many times you've said to me "you're an intelligent girl" yet you give me little or no opportunity to use my intellect, and then in the next breath, blown some stupid little thing out of all proportion!! Again, stuff can be fixed, don't bust a blood vessel over it!! The world won't come to an end if £20 gets missed of the costs of a multi-million pound job this week, even when it is put right the next!!!

You really need to have a real think about how you run this show. Surely it's not coincidence that so many people have left recently when the place is run by a bunch of complete tits who really ought to listen to the people in the trenches who might actually have something valid to contribute as opposed to those who tell you only what you want to hear. Maybe, if you spent a little more time listening and a little less time shut away in meetings the place might actually work better. People wouldn't become so disheartened, and, to explain it in a way that you will probably understand seeing as that seems to be where the complete focus lies rather than the welfare of your workers, you wouldn't need to spend so much money on advertising vacancies to be filled. Construction News ain't cheap ......

Yours sincerely,


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