Now, as a family we've always been huge fans of probably the bestest breed of dog EVER -- the Great Dane. Before Christmas we were given the opportunity to rehome George -- a six-month-old Deaf Harlequin Great Dane. Of course we were a bit worried about how our old girl Twink would take to a new dog in her territory, but it didn't take us long in the grand scheme of things before we decided that we'd take on this dog. Altogether now?? Awwwwww!! Unfortunately, it fell through. His owners decided they were going to work at his (allegedly!!!) destructive tendencies, and so we never even got to meet him. *sniff*
We didn't think anymore of it for a couple of weeks until, out of the blue, another opportunity came up. Friday afternoon, during my lunchbreak, I got a text from my mate Joss (who I may have mentioned once or twice!!) saying that a contact of hers had a breeder friend who had a Dane to rehome. It turned out he was George's brother, the one we were hoping to rehome over Christmas. I phoned Mum who phoned the friend, and Saturday morning we were travelling down to Derby, with Twink, to meet Boycie.
Being George's brother, obviously, he's a seven-month-old Harlequin Great Dane. It was, to use a well-known phrase, love at first sight and I just had to have him. He was so affectionate, having that unbridled puppiness that youngsters have, along with that ungainly pup thing going on -- that lollop as he ran around the room and the bounciness that goes with it. Of course he had to get along with Twinkle, so we bought her into the house to meet the little fella and she was really good with him considering she's not really spent time with other dogs since she was about 2 (she's 7 on 1 February this year) and the 4 of us went for a quick walk round the block.
We met his dear old Dad, who was fecking Huuuge, but soft as shite with it and very affectionate. He's got this massive head and paws the same size as my hand. He's pure German bloodline so Boycie's goinmg to be enormous!! If Boycie turns out anything like his Dad we'll be well chuffed!!! He's fab!! We also met a few of his other relatives -- his half sister and a couple of 8-weekers who were absolutely nuts, and at about 2:30 we thought we'd best make a move with him and bring him home so they could settle in together a bit.
He's a big softy and is always giving kisses!! He's just so snuggly with you and wants to cuddled -- a lot different from Twink, not really a cuddly dog -- she's also soft as shite usually but being an old lady these days can be a bit of a moody cow and has always been a hormonal girlie girl. He's got a chronic chest infection from when he was poorly as a newborn, but it doesn't bother him for the most part unless he gets excited and he has a little cough. We're going to take him to the Vet to see what they think of his cough -- especially as we'll have to have him 'done' to avoid little Twinks and Boycies!!! If you've ever seen and met a Great Dane puppy you'd understand -- they're the cutest lickle things EVER!!!! An anaesthetic could be a bad idea so we may have to consider alternative methods!! ;)
So a couple of hours later we were home with an extra mouth to feed who was completely hyper soon as he walked through the door, and scared the shit out of Jasmine (our Puss) who's still a little bit nervy but she'll come round!! There was the odd grumble from Twink, as you'd expect seeing as she's been an 'only child' for 5 years but they've settled in together quite well
Yesterday was the first day they'd been left alone in the house while we were at work. Bit nervy to say the least, and I spent a great deal of the day thinking "I wanna go home and see Little Man", but I'm pleased to say the only casualty was a tissue box (not the tissues -- just the box!!! Lol!!), a coaster and an old telly remote control he had a little go at. But I'm also pleased to say that I think it's love as even though there still is the odd moanygroany from Twink, for the most part they're really good together. The only thing we have to watch is food -- Twink's very food-oriented whilst Boycie couldn't really give a flier, so as long as they stick to their own bowls and don't get the opportunity to fight for 'loose food' as I put it, it should be a very happy family!!
So today I took myself off to work safe in the knowledge that they'd behave and wouldn't really do any major damage. I went through the motions I did yesterday -- I shut the bedroom doors and off I go. I came home lunchtime to find a very quiet house -- no dogs to trip over as I fight my way through the door. So I go looking and find that both dogs -- 2 Great Danes!!! -- had managed to shut themselves together in my room.
Now you would have thunk that when I opened the door and saw the bedlam it would have been bad news, but surprisingly, there was very little damage. He'd had a little go at a couple of chewable bits (so we're getting him a chewbone -- he seems to be drawn to plastic more than anything else!!) and he'd had a play with this feathery witches hat I bought for Halloween last year (he pulled the feathers free and had a play with a few loose ones!!!), and there was also the little wet puppy accident on the floor which now means my room is a little 'fragrant'!! ;)
But he's young. It's to be expected. He'll get over it!! He starts puppy school on Saturday so he can meet other puppies and people and learn a few good habits. He knows sit, no and leave and comes to call, so we're at a good place to start with, but he has a new moniker -- Little Monkey Man. *Adopts 'Clinton Baptiste-esque' pose* I see many names in this little dogs future and not all of them good!!! ;)
May I introduce to you -- the Gorgeously, Handsome Boycie!! AKA My Little Man!!
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