Since when was there a rule which said if someone asked you a question you couldn't take a moment to think before answering??? Especially, when you generally have a busy week anyway, and because you may have had a couple of sleeps since you did whatever you did. Yknow??
I'm just wondering because today, my boss asked me a question about where I'd got up to with a certain aspect of my work -- by this time I was already up to my ears in Timesheets and because I wanted to think before I gave a hasty answer, and was accused of telling tales when it turned out I hadn't done what I'd said I had, I stopped for a moment. To which I got a sarcastic answer regarding my memory. Sorry but when I've done something I tend to move the thought out to make room for another, especially when half my working life is spent sorting out other people's issues. Also the onus has now been put on me to remind her about stuff, because, I quote "I can't remember everything about everyone's work".
Now every time I do remind her about anything I get fobbed off with that most famous of responses -- "Leave it with me". I'm not sure the woman's heard of a notebook or to do list, which reminds me -- I need to do one of them!!! I think she's more interested in 'networking'. Is that the right word? Y'know, the one where you keep your nose pressed firmly to someones arse. *rolls eyes* On this particular occasion, it was about something she said she would chase up so I thought that maybe she would have chased up what she needed to ... chase ...... up. Well, we know what thought did. So now we're "3 weeks behind in timesheets for Company X" and it's all my fault. Is that fair?? They're good at that at our place -- passing the buck is a company bonding exercise!!
I think I need a new job -- or at least a new company to work for. She also constanty bemoans the fact that her arse gets chewed when stuff goes wrong -- well if the company worked to a more simpler formula, and you could get an answer (pot ... kettle anyone???) half the problems wouldn't occur. I honestly think things are made difficult for difficulties sake and to justify some people's salaries.
Add to that the fact I've felt really shitty the last few days, and had other stuff to think about, and no-one seemed to have noticed. I'm my own worst enemy. I keep myself to myself at work and get on with it!! Maybe I should make a big dramatic deal of my current mental and physical state and see if anyone gives a toss. My feeling would be no.
Typical isn't it. It goes well for a while and then goes tits up. Maybe I need a career change. Suggestions and solutions welcome ......
Well here it is. My little corner of the Internet. Just a little place I can come and write. I tend to pick all kinds of topics to record. I don't have a niche. I just write what I feel like writing at that time. I can't guarantee you'll enjoy reading my stuff, but it's therapeutic for me. ;) I know I've got one post to each page but I seem to write way too much for more than one per page. :)
Monday, 22 January 2007
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
The Novelty Will Wear Off Soon!!!
Some of you will already know this story, but some of you won't know about this, or even care really but I'm currently on a massive high and I'm gonna share so *blows raspberry*!! ;)
Now, as a family we've always been huge fans of probably the bestest breed of dog EVER -- the Great Dane. Before Christmas we were given the opportunity to rehome George -- a six-month-old Deaf Harlequin Great Dane. Of course we were a bit worried about how our old girl Twink would take to a new dog in her territory, but it didn't take us long in the grand scheme of things before we decided that we'd take on this dog. Altogether now?? Awwwwww!! Unfortunately, it fell through. His owners decided they were going to work at his (allegedly!!!) destructive tendencies, and so we never even got to meet him. *sniff*
We didn't think anymore of it for a couple of weeks until, out of the blue, another opportunity came up. Friday afternoon, during my lunchbreak, I got a text from my mate Joss (who I may have mentioned once or twice!!) saying that a contact of hers had a breeder friend who had a Dane to rehome. It turned out he was George's brother, the one we were hoping to rehome over Christmas. I phoned Mum who phoned the friend, and Saturday morning we were travelling down to Derby, with Twink, to meet Boycie.
Being George's brother, obviously, he's a seven-month-old Harlequin Great Dane. It was, to use a well-known phrase, love at first sight and I just had to have him. He was so affectionate, having that unbridled puppiness that youngsters have, along with that ungainly pup thing going on -- that lollop as he ran around the room and the bounciness that goes with it. Of course he had to get along with Twinkle, so we bought her into the house to meet the little fella and she was really good with him considering she's not really spent time with other dogs since she was about 2 (she's 7 on 1 February this year) and the 4 of us went for a quick walk round the block.
We met his dear old Dad, who was fecking Huuuge, but soft as shite with it and very affectionate. He's got this massive head and paws the same size as my hand. He's pure German bloodline so Boycie's goinmg to be enormous!! If Boycie turns out anything like his Dad we'll be well chuffed!!! He's fab!! We also met a few of his other relatives -- his half sister and a couple of 8-weekers who were absolutely nuts, and at about 2:30 we thought we'd best make a move with him and bring him home so they could settle in together a bit.
He's a big softy and is always giving kisses!! He's just so snuggly with you and wants to cuddled -- a lot different from Twink, not really a cuddly dog -- she's also soft as shite usually but being an old lady these days can be a bit of a moody cow and has always been a hormonal girlie girl. He's got a chronic chest infection from when he was poorly as a newborn, but it doesn't bother him for the most part unless he gets excited and he has a little cough. We're going to take him to the Vet to see what they think of his cough -- especially as we'll have to have him 'done' to avoid little Twinks and Boycies!!! If you've ever seen and met a Great Dane puppy you'd understand -- they're the cutest lickle things EVER!!!! An anaesthetic could be a bad idea so we may have to consider alternative methods!! ;)
So a couple of hours later we were home with an extra mouth to feed who was completely hyper soon as he walked through the door, and scared the shit out of Jasmine (our Puss) who's still a little bit nervy but she'll come round!! There was the odd grumble from Twink, as you'd expect seeing as she's been an 'only child' for 5 years but they've settled in together quite well
Yesterday was the first day they'd been left alone in the house while we were at work. Bit nervy to say the least, and I spent a great deal of the day thinking "I wanna go home and see Little Man", but I'm pleased to say the only casualty was a tissue box (not the tissues -- just the box!!! Lol!!), a coaster and an old telly remote control he had a little go at. But I'm also pleased to say that I think it's love as even though there still is the odd moanygroany from Twink, for the most part they're really good together. The only thing we have to watch is food -- Twink's very food-oriented whilst Boycie couldn't really give a flier, so as long as they stick to their own bowls and don't get the opportunity to fight for 'loose food' as I put it, it should be a very happy family!!
So today I took myself off to work safe in the knowledge that they'd behave and wouldn't really do any major damage. I went through the motions I did yesterday -- I shut the bedroom doors and off I go. I came home lunchtime to find a very quiet house -- no dogs to trip over as I fight my way through the door. So I go looking and find that both dogs -- 2 Great Danes!!! -- had managed to shut themselves together in my room.
Now you would have thunk that when I opened the door and saw the bedlam it would have been bad news, but surprisingly, there was very little damage. He'd had a little go at a couple of chewable bits (so we're getting him a chewbone -- he seems to be drawn to plastic more than anything else!!) and he'd had a play with this feathery witches hat I bought for Halloween last year (he pulled the feathers free and had a play with a few loose ones!!!), and there was also the little wet puppy accident on the floor which now means my room is a little 'fragrant'!! ;)
But he's young. It's to be expected. He'll get over it!! He starts puppy school on Saturday so he can meet other puppies and people and learn a few good habits. He knows sit, no and leave and comes to call, so we're at a good place to start with, but he has a new moniker -- Little Monkey Man. *Adopts 'Clinton Baptiste-esque' pose* I see many names in this little dogs future and not all of them good!!! ;)
May I introduce to you -- the Gorgeously, Handsome Boycie!! AKA My Little Man!!

Now, as a family we've always been huge fans of probably the bestest breed of dog EVER -- the Great Dane. Before Christmas we were given the opportunity to rehome George -- a six-month-old Deaf Harlequin Great Dane. Of course we were a bit worried about how our old girl Twink would take to a new dog in her territory, but it didn't take us long in the grand scheme of things before we decided that we'd take on this dog. Altogether now?? Awwwwww!! Unfortunately, it fell through. His owners decided they were going to work at his (allegedly!!!) destructive tendencies, and so we never even got to meet him. *sniff*
We didn't think anymore of it for a couple of weeks until, out of the blue, another opportunity came up. Friday afternoon, during my lunchbreak, I got a text from my mate Joss (who I may have mentioned once or twice!!) saying that a contact of hers had a breeder friend who had a Dane to rehome. It turned out he was George's brother, the one we were hoping to rehome over Christmas. I phoned Mum who phoned the friend, and Saturday morning we were travelling down to Derby, with Twink, to meet Boycie.
Being George's brother, obviously, he's a seven-month-old Harlequin Great Dane. It was, to use a well-known phrase, love at first sight and I just had to have him. He was so affectionate, having that unbridled puppiness that youngsters have, along with that ungainly pup thing going on -- that lollop as he ran around the room and the bounciness that goes with it. Of course he had to get along with Twinkle, so we bought her into the house to meet the little fella and she was really good with him considering she's not really spent time with other dogs since she was about 2 (she's 7 on 1 February this year) and the 4 of us went for a quick walk round the block.
We met his dear old Dad, who was fecking Huuuge, but soft as shite with it and very affectionate. He's got this massive head and paws the same size as my hand. He's pure German bloodline so Boycie's goinmg to be enormous!! If Boycie turns out anything like his Dad we'll be well chuffed!!! He's fab!! We also met a few of his other relatives -- his half sister and a couple of 8-weekers who were absolutely nuts, and at about 2:30 we thought we'd best make a move with him and bring him home so they could settle in together a bit.
He's a big softy and is always giving kisses!! He's just so snuggly with you and wants to cuddled -- a lot different from Twink, not really a cuddly dog -- she's also soft as shite usually but being an old lady these days can be a bit of a moody cow and has always been a hormonal girlie girl. He's got a chronic chest infection from when he was poorly as a newborn, but it doesn't bother him for the most part unless he gets excited and he has a little cough. We're going to take him to the Vet to see what they think of his cough -- especially as we'll have to have him 'done' to avoid little Twinks and Boycies!!! If you've ever seen and met a Great Dane puppy you'd understand -- they're the cutest lickle things EVER!!!! An anaesthetic could be a bad idea so we may have to consider alternative methods!! ;)
So a couple of hours later we were home with an extra mouth to feed who was completely hyper soon as he walked through the door, and scared the shit out of Jasmine (our Puss) who's still a little bit nervy but she'll come round!! There was the odd grumble from Twink, as you'd expect seeing as she's been an 'only child' for 5 years but they've settled in together quite well
Yesterday was the first day they'd been left alone in the house while we were at work. Bit nervy to say the least, and I spent a great deal of the day thinking "I wanna go home and see Little Man", but I'm pleased to say the only casualty was a tissue box (not the tissues -- just the box!!! Lol!!), a coaster and an old telly remote control he had a little go at. But I'm also pleased to say that I think it's love as even though there still is the odd moanygroany from Twink, for the most part they're really good together. The only thing we have to watch is food -- Twink's very food-oriented whilst Boycie couldn't really give a flier, so as long as they stick to their own bowls and don't get the opportunity to fight for 'loose food' as I put it, it should be a very happy family!!
So today I took myself off to work safe in the knowledge that they'd behave and wouldn't really do any major damage. I went through the motions I did yesterday -- I shut the bedroom doors and off I go. I came home lunchtime to find a very quiet house -- no dogs to trip over as I fight my way through the door. So I go looking and find that both dogs -- 2 Great Danes!!! -- had managed to shut themselves together in my room.
Now you would have thunk that when I opened the door and saw the bedlam it would have been bad news, but surprisingly, there was very little damage. He'd had a little go at a couple of chewable bits (so we're getting him a chewbone -- he seems to be drawn to plastic more than anything else!!) and he'd had a play with this feathery witches hat I bought for Halloween last year (he pulled the feathers free and had a play with a few loose ones!!!), and there was also the little wet puppy accident on the floor which now means my room is a little 'fragrant'!! ;)
But he's young. It's to be expected. He'll get over it!! He starts puppy school on Saturday so he can meet other puppies and people and learn a few good habits. He knows sit, no and leave and comes to call, so we're at a good place to start with, but he has a new moniker -- Little Monkey Man. *Adopts 'Clinton Baptiste-esque' pose* I see many names in this little dogs future and not all of them good!!! ;)
May I introduce to you -- the Gorgeously, Handsome Boycie!! AKA My Little Man!!
Monday, 1 January 2007
Come in Number 5 …… Your Time Is Up
*sings* And now, the end is near, and so we face, the final curtain …… on 2006 anyway.
Yes it’s that time of year, were one year ends and we ring in a new one. We’ve had our highs and lows, our arguments and resolutions, our breaking ups and making ups, we’ve stuffed ourselves stupid with food and drink for a week and now it’s time for the last big hurrah of 2006, and to wipe the slate clean and shiny for the coming year.
It’s been a heck of a journey for me this year, what with meeting new people, seeing new places, having new experiences and learning new lessons. I’ve had my highlights and my low points, and sometimes it seemed as though the lows far outweighed the highs, but that was probably only because the lows seem to have a much more profound effect on me.
Personally I want to see out this year focusing on the highs. The main one being acquiring the knowledge that there is nothing and nobody (except my own fears) in this world that can stop me doing anything (legal!!!) or going anywhere I want. This year I broke free and decided to do what I wanted to do. I know it sounds melodramatic but that is how I feel about the thing. For 8 years I focused intently on what other people wanted and expected from me. I played the dutiful daughter and spent all my energy pleasing others, even going so far as to sacrifice my wants in life for others, but 2006 was my coming out!! Steady on!!!
2006 was the year when it all started coming together. Actually, in all honesty it started in November 2005, with a last minute (cripes!!!) night out in Grimsby to see Paddy McGuinness on tour, but that’s another story. Actually a little bit of history may be useful. It was the most valuable lesson my dear-departed Dad taught me even though he never realised it and it took nearly 2 years to grasp it. You only live once.
I was lucky – if lucky is the right word. My Dad died while I was at a young age (23) and could still make some changes to my life. I mourned for 2 years, concentrating on how other people were coping with stuff and pushing my own feelings to one side and shouldering the woes of the immediate world. Yes, I would cry over my own loss and problems but I would never put them onto someone else so they could support me.
That November my chance came so see this comedian I’d only seen on TV once and who I’d thought was quite funny, live at a local venue – one I knew I could get to easily without the panic attack I would undoubtedly get if I travelled more than half an hour down the road – you have to remember at this point I was a sheltered individual who still felt the need to report in every little thing to my Mum when I was away from the house. *breathe* That comedian was Paddy McGuinness. It sounds pathetic but he got me interested in an area that would see me changing my outlook, and who also became a significant factor in the amount of mileage I’ve done this year!! ;)
Anyway, back to the almost present, about 12 months ago!! ;) 2005 may have been the beginning of something beautiful, but 2006 was when my new-found attitude really kicked in. Although I still respected and tried to please others, I decided that I had to do some things for me too. My first major triumph came in March and was driving myself a good 200 miles to Blackpool to see Little Britain Live – something I’d been working myself up to doing since the previous December. Now there were some very minor panic attacks during that trip but the now infamous Sat Nav – or Dozy Mare as she is often affectionately referred to – helped with those no end. The following months saw me taking that trip to the Lancashire area many more times, and although I still struggle to find my way into the Greater Manchester area, it is now a journey I look forward to being as I can do it with my eyes closed. Not literally, obviously. That’s just asking for trouble!!!
My aim after that trip to Blackpool was to have something to look forward to every month, and that is something I aspire to achieve again this year. Not only did I aim to manage it, but I achieved it – well almost, July was a bit ‘meh’ – but some months were more sparse than others which made up for the lack of jauntiness in July, but every month, as it came up to my next jaunt, I was a happier person. March was Blackpool, April was Bolton, May was Blackpool again, June – Manchester, August – Our Annual Holiday, September – Sheffield, Harrogate, and Manchester again, October – my furthest jaunt, Plymouth, and Salford, November – Sheffield, Doncaster, Bolton again, Salford again, and December – Leeds (twice in 2 days – arse!!!), Sheffield. It made me proud that I managed these trips and although it may seem like a stupid thing, it meant something to me. I was finally taking charge of myself and my life. If you take nothing else away from this blog, I hope you remember this lesson.
2006 also saw me making a whole bunch of new and fantastic friends – ones who would listen and not judge, who would support me without having to say a word, bring me up when I was down and just indulge in complete silliness with. They know exactly who they are, so I needn’t say more about them. Suffice it to say thank you for putting up with me and my idiocies, sick jokes and general down-ness!! You all mean the world to me and I wouldn’t change any of you for the world. You cheered me up and offered support when I was having problems at work, you encouraged me to look beyond where I was and to share my woes (although some were probably a bit dramatic!!!), and you were there with the flags as I did my duty …… as self-nominated ‘stalker’!!! ;)
Seriously, 2006 has been one of my better years, and it all stems from that freezing cold November night in 2005 outside the Grimsby Auditorium, where I had my first run-in with a new hobby – not the man (though chance would be a fine thing!!! Come on – you KNOW I had to get that one in!!!!) but the vocation. Something that has brought me a great deal of pleasure for the last 12 months, and that has forged new relationships and attitudes in its wake and one that I hope to continue into the next year.
I haven’t really thought much about New Years Resolutions – I honestly don’t see the point of making a list of things to accomplish over the coming year that will be discarded within a few weeks, or that I will beat myself up over if and when I fail at them. I have a list, a list of things to aim for that I have had since summer 2005, a list of things that have given me a focus without a timescale and a list that I am proud to say I have actually accomplished parts of. Some of these aims are going to take longer to accomplish than others and I accept that – or at least I will until I’m 30 and then start panicking about if I haven’t done some of them and then write off as a bad job if some of them are still outstanding when I’m 35!! ;) They’re not the be all and end all of my life. They’re about making me happy, and hopefully if I’m happy other stuff will fall into place along with them.
You’ve had the Merry Christmas – now I hope you all have the Happy New Year to match. I hope your dreams come to fruition, and if they don’t that you have fun trying to grab them. I hope 2007 is a great one for you and yours, and that we have as many laughs along the way as we have had this year!!!
Here’s to you – My Friends!!
And I’m not even on the sauce yet!!! ;)
Yes it’s that time of year, were one year ends and we ring in a new one. We’ve had our highs and lows, our arguments and resolutions, our breaking ups and making ups, we’ve stuffed ourselves stupid with food and drink for a week and now it’s time for the last big hurrah of 2006, and to wipe the slate clean and shiny for the coming year.
It’s been a heck of a journey for me this year, what with meeting new people, seeing new places, having new experiences and learning new lessons. I’ve had my highlights and my low points, and sometimes it seemed as though the lows far outweighed the highs, but that was probably only because the lows seem to have a much more profound effect on me.
Personally I want to see out this year focusing on the highs. The main one being acquiring the knowledge that there is nothing and nobody (except my own fears) in this world that can stop me doing anything (legal!!!) or going anywhere I want. This year I broke free and decided to do what I wanted to do. I know it sounds melodramatic but that is how I feel about the thing. For 8 years I focused intently on what other people wanted and expected from me. I played the dutiful daughter and spent all my energy pleasing others, even going so far as to sacrifice my wants in life for others, but 2006 was my coming out!! Steady on!!!
2006 was the year when it all started coming together. Actually, in all honesty it started in November 2005, with a last minute (cripes!!!) night out in Grimsby to see Paddy McGuinness on tour, but that’s another story. Actually a little bit of history may be useful. It was the most valuable lesson my dear-departed Dad taught me even though he never realised it and it took nearly 2 years to grasp it. You only live once.
I was lucky – if lucky is the right word. My Dad died while I was at a young age (23) and could still make some changes to my life. I mourned for 2 years, concentrating on how other people were coping with stuff and pushing my own feelings to one side and shouldering the woes of the immediate world. Yes, I would cry over my own loss and problems but I would never put them onto someone else so they could support me.
That November my chance came so see this comedian I’d only seen on TV once and who I’d thought was quite funny, live at a local venue – one I knew I could get to easily without the panic attack I would undoubtedly get if I travelled more than half an hour down the road – you have to remember at this point I was a sheltered individual who still felt the need to report in every little thing to my Mum when I was away from the house. *breathe* That comedian was Paddy McGuinness. It sounds pathetic but he got me interested in an area that would see me changing my outlook, and who also became a significant factor in the amount of mileage I’ve done this year!! ;)
Anyway, back to the almost present, about 12 months ago!! ;) 2005 may have been the beginning of something beautiful, but 2006 was when my new-found attitude really kicked in. Although I still respected and tried to please others, I decided that I had to do some things for me too. My first major triumph came in March and was driving myself a good 200 miles to Blackpool to see Little Britain Live – something I’d been working myself up to doing since the previous December. Now there were some very minor panic attacks during that trip but the now infamous Sat Nav – or Dozy Mare as she is often affectionately referred to – helped with those no end. The following months saw me taking that trip to the Lancashire area many more times, and although I still struggle to find my way into the Greater Manchester area, it is now a journey I look forward to being as I can do it with my eyes closed. Not literally, obviously. That’s just asking for trouble!!!
My aim after that trip to Blackpool was to have something to look forward to every month, and that is something I aspire to achieve again this year. Not only did I aim to manage it, but I achieved it – well almost, July was a bit ‘meh’ – but some months were more sparse than others which made up for the lack of jauntiness in July, but every month, as it came up to my next jaunt, I was a happier person. March was Blackpool, April was Bolton, May was Blackpool again, June – Manchester, August – Our Annual Holiday, September – Sheffield, Harrogate, and Manchester again, October – my furthest jaunt, Plymouth, and Salford, November – Sheffield, Doncaster, Bolton again, Salford again, and December – Leeds (twice in 2 days – arse!!!), Sheffield. It made me proud that I managed these trips and although it may seem like a stupid thing, it meant something to me. I was finally taking charge of myself and my life. If you take nothing else away from this blog, I hope you remember this lesson.
2006 also saw me making a whole bunch of new and fantastic friends – ones who would listen and not judge, who would support me without having to say a word, bring me up when I was down and just indulge in complete silliness with. They know exactly who they are, so I needn’t say more about them. Suffice it to say thank you for putting up with me and my idiocies, sick jokes and general down-ness!! You all mean the world to me and I wouldn’t change any of you for the world. You cheered me up and offered support when I was having problems at work, you encouraged me to look beyond where I was and to share my woes (although some were probably a bit dramatic!!!), and you were there with the flags as I did my duty …… as self-nominated ‘stalker’!!! ;)
Seriously, 2006 has been one of my better years, and it all stems from that freezing cold November night in 2005 outside the Grimsby Auditorium, where I had my first run-in with a new hobby – not the man (though chance would be a fine thing!!! Come on – you KNOW I had to get that one in!!!!) but the vocation. Something that has brought me a great deal of pleasure for the last 12 months, and that has forged new relationships and attitudes in its wake and one that I hope to continue into the next year.
I haven’t really thought much about New Years Resolutions – I honestly don’t see the point of making a list of things to accomplish over the coming year that will be discarded within a few weeks, or that I will beat myself up over if and when I fail at them. I have a list, a list of things to aim for that I have had since summer 2005, a list of things that have given me a focus without a timescale and a list that I am proud to say I have actually accomplished parts of. Some of these aims are going to take longer to accomplish than others and I accept that – or at least I will until I’m 30 and then start panicking about if I haven’t done some of them and then write off as a bad job if some of them are still outstanding when I’m 35!! ;) They’re not the be all and end all of my life. They’re about making me happy, and hopefully if I’m happy other stuff will fall into place along with them.
You’ve had the Merry Christmas – now I hope you all have the Happy New Year to match. I hope your dreams come to fruition, and if they don’t that you have fun trying to grab them. I hope 2007 is a great one for you and yours, and that we have as many laughs along the way as we have had this year!!!
Here’s to you – My Friends!!
And I’m not even on the sauce yet!!! ;)
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