Well I got a bollocking today. May be 'bollocking' is a bit harsh. Let's call it 'a word in my ear' and this word was regarding my timekeeping (which I know I'm shit at!!! I think I'd better dig out my alarm clock!!) and my use of email and the internet at work. WTF?!?!
I am the first to admit that I tend to have my personal email up in the background while I work, and I do take the very rare trip onto Myspace/PK Forum (OK, so that may be a bit less rare lately, but see, Paddy if you sent me a message occasionally I'd be joyous for a bit and less likely to do stuff that would get me in trouble. You don't phone …… you don't write …… where's the love??? ) but surely if I manage to do everything I need to where's the harm?!?! I swear it's turning into a police state at our place. It's not as if I'm accessing the old Internet Porn – I mean, I stumbled on Britney sucking something in the course of my seemingly not-so-covert forum modding duties (I hate spammers!!!) but that's it. It's all come a bit out of left field as far as that's concerned. They were quick to add it wasn't just me but y'know …...
It's not as if I'm one of these people who spends all day tossing it off on eBay or doing my shopping on the Tesco website. The ones that do that are those who are paid obscene amounts of money for doing naff-all all day, or those that just plain get away with it!! The claim is that there are a lot of errors in the work that our department produces, but when everything is made so damn complicated, people external to us keep setting up and providing the wrong information, they're always moving the goalposts, and no f***** knows how to fill out a timesheet correctly what exactly do they expect?!?!? I'm afraid the requirement of a crystal ball was not mentioned in my job description!!
My timekeeping is another matter. As I already said I know I'm shit at it and the chaos we've been living in for the past couple of weeks has just exacerbated the problem. The thing that's f***** me off most about it is the double standard. It's supposedly come from on high – which I doubt because I think they're more concerned with their end-of-year bonuses than what the support staff get up to!!! But anyway, apparently I have been turning up 10 minutes late every day (I think not!!! I'm going to check that little claim tomorrow – I work on BBC News 24 time so …… there!!! If the company lives in it's own little timezone that's their problem!!) and also, and I quote "It's different for me (my manager ) and X coming in late as we work late, through lunch and at weekends!" I mean, WTF?!?!? Again!!! I can't remember the last time I finished at my contracted hour of 5pm. And to top it all off, just the other week the same manager (who you will note has just said "It's different for me and X coming in late as we work late, through lunch and at weekends!") was saying to me "It makes no difference if you work late in the evenings." Is it just me or does that sound like a contradiction. I'm not a clock watcher in the least – I'm not racing out the door as soon as the clock hits 5. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. There's just no give or take in the place!! It gets on my tits!!!
It probably doesn't help that I have possibly one of the most monotonous jobs going with the exception of the guy who puts the jam in doughnuts. I take it many, if not all of you have seen that video that does the rounds on the internet every so often illustrating That Monday Feeling through the use of a Polar bear? Well that's me DAILY!! I think they'd be f***** if I left because I reckon no bugger's fool enough to do my job!!! In the meantime I've dusted off the ol' alarm clock and set it for bright and early tomorrow …… well, early anyway!! They'll be lucky if they get Bright!!
And think, just the other day I was saying how much better work was. On the plus side it didn't last as long as it would've done previously. It was gone and forgotten and we carried on regardless. Except me. It's still pissing me off. I'm afraid it's in my nature that I don't forgive easily. I'm too much like my Dad!! Definitely my fathers daughter ……
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