...... Seriously!!! I tell you it's been nothing but a bugger these last few weeks -- what with a poorly pup (she's feeling a bit better now, thanks for asking) my PC exploding (well 'exploding' is a bit of an overstatement -- it kinda went 'pfft' and died!!!) and now it's got kinda chilly up here for your friends in the North and I'm stuck in a freezing cold house with condemned electrics and consequently no heating as it chucks it down outside!!!!
Yes, mum wanted a new kitchen, which the guys dutifully started fitting only to discover that the guy we bought the house from 16 years ago had a funny idea of what wiring should be like!!! I swear to god, the Sparky almost fell unconscious for laughing when he saw them!!! The bloke had used lighting flex -- y'know, the stuff you buy in Wickes for about £3.50 a length which really shouldn't run anything with a higher voltage than a ceiling fan -- to run the sockets we had major appliances running on!! He connected the lighting in one room to sockets (which apparently is a bad thing!!!!) and it turns out we only had half a fuse box too!!! Not only that -- the Sparky climbed up into the loft yesterday to find that some of our wiring had actually MELTED and started working it's way through the insulation up there, it was so wrong for the purpose!!! I swear, it's pure luck we haven't gone up in smoke in 16 years!!!! So we're pretty much electric-less with only 2 safe sockets to our name -- the lights work though.
It's not all bad though. We've not had a telly, and as you'd expect, my new PC (which cost me way too much money so I may have to mortgage the dog, but that's another episode!!!) is out of action too (why the things need so many plugs I'll never know!!) so for the first time in god knows how long I sat down and read a book. That's right, you heard me, I ACTUALLY sat and read a book -- a really real one, not one of those daft e-book things or one on tape -- an actual flesh and blood (well, paper and glue!!) book!! And a brilliant book it was too. It was Peter Kay's autobiography.
I've had it a month and not got round to reading it yet and thought "Well now's as good a time as any ......" and you know what??? It was fab. Now, those of you who know me know I use the word fab a lot, but this was fab with a capital F-A-B!! I demolished it in 4 hours and was gagging for more (waiting for the second installment Peter -- "My Life After Passing My Test and Winning that Stand-up ...... Thing"!!! ). It really is a fab read and I'd highly recommend it. Best £19 I spent in the last few years, with the exception of Paddy McGuinness' Live DVD, my ticket for Bon Jovi, Keep The Faith by The Jovi on CD ('cept that was more like £15!!!) and the Pheonix Nights boxset (that is CLASS!!! When's Series 3???), so, erm, buy it!!!!
Well that was a boring blog ...... but I'm gonna post it anyway! What can I say? I'm new at 'blogging' but please people -- tell me the kind of stuff you want to hear and I'll do my best!!!